Pair 27 - John BYRNE / Neil BRUNLOW
Place this match: 25, Percentage: 37.97%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 10 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 2 N
KD 8 110 14 54% Board 11 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 3 E
3D 9 -110 2 8% Board 12 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 3NT W 4H 10 -430 11 42% Board 13 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 5 X W
KH 9 500 22 85% Board 14 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 6 E
AC 13 -1010 5 19% Board 15 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 4 X E
AD 12 -790 2 8% Board 16 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 4 S
3C 10 420 2 8% Board 17 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 4 N
9C 9 -50 6 23% Board 18 3: Jamal YAZDANPARAST / Virstine YAZDANPARAST 4 W
AC 9 50 24.8 95%
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